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Turmeric Bedtime Milk


I crave an evening "treat" after dinner! You too? I've heard it said that this is the "Mama-witching hour"...all needs have been met for the day and then you plop down tired and wanting a treat yourself! I don't think it's just moms that feel this way though! We are all pooped and ready to plop our caboose down and prop our feet up come evening. I know I am! Any other hands raised?!

I have a drink you should totally try! I have been having this in the evenings and it feels so good to have something both tasty and life-giving to my body!

I'm so convinced that our bodies are something to N O U R I S H because they are a gift! We don't live in a culture of nourishing foods though. We live in the age of faux food! We aren't withholding from ourselves by not having a sugary, highly processed treat. We are giving to ourselves by choosing something nourishing. Give your body life! If we can view it like this - it makes it easy to choose the whole, nourishing, nutrient-dense foods!

I am increasingly convinced that I can't show up as my best self for others if I feel yucky in my body. Give your body life, and it'll give life back to you.

Cheers to YOU and this delicious, life-giving turmeric milk!

If you give it a try, let me know what you think in the comments!

Health Benefits of Turmeric:


aids digestion

normalizes blood sugar

anti-cancer properties/neutralizes free radicals in the body

boosts the immune system

improves liver function/Detoxifying

Recipe (could not be easier!):

1 1/2 cups preferred plant milk (I love Oat because it is so creamy)

1 tsp turmeric

1/2 tsp ginger

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tbsp coconut sugar (lower on the glycemic index and far less processed than white, refined sugar) You could also use 1 tbsp of pure maple syrup if you prefer that!

Heat in a small saucepan using a whisk to stir, pour into a mug and sip slow (sprinkle with cinnamon!) while doing an activity that brings you life!



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